Green is not just a color...

At Flooring District we are committed to business practices that have a positive effect on this little rock we all call home. Whether it's natural bamboo, recycled rubber floors, or even carpet made form corn sugar, we pride ourselves with a commitment to sustainability.

Many of our products are certified as "cradle 2 cradle", the most stringent certification in our industry. What this means for you is quality flooring that has been created with the utmost ethical standards using renewable sources, environmentally friendly materials, and has been assessed for impacts on human health and the environment.

In addition to our products, 100% of our company refuse is recycled. No other company in the area comes even close to leaving less of a carbon footprint, all while never passing the cost along to you.

And when you visit our showroom, one of our expert staff members will be able to walk you through the process that our environmentally conscious products go through to meet the strictest industry standards.

Call us today to schedule your free consultation.


Check out the links below to see our selection of sustainable products